Thai Prenuptial Agreement
Talking about a Thai prenuptial agreement in Thailand. Marriage planning should be given special attention, as to protecting and giving security to couples who enter marriage. A Thai Prenuptial Agreement prepared by a licensed lawyer from Thailand is highly recommended. Prenuptial Agreements in Thailand should be prepared in both Thai and English languages, thus the need for professional translators certified for correct translations.
Thai Prenuptial Agreement
In cases involving foreigners with assets in both their home countries and also in Thailand, the prenuptial agreement should be drafted in a manner recognized and legally irrevocable in both countries. Prenuptial agreements are less likely to be opposed when it is drafted and signed way back prior to the marriage date. When marrying in Thailand and considering a prenuptial agreement, both most carefully state in full detail all items and information they both wish to include in the agreement.
Thai Prenuptial Agreement
The Thai Prenuptial Agreement is also known as the “Ante nuptial or premarital contract”. It is a document which is signed by both spouses before they get married. This said contract will provide planning for your finances including your properties before the marriage, also of which can be overseen through the whole marriage duration, or upon the termination of the marriage by means of death or divorce. It is found appropriate for those with significant assets and properties who would want to allocate these assets upon divorce or death. Always consider a prenuptial before you register your marriage in Thailand.
A Thai Prenuptial Agreement is a contract between you and your future spouse containing the outline of each of your assets and liabilities before getting married. It states the arrangements of all your property rights even after the marriage, in case of a divorce or unexpected death. One might feel a little hesitant on signing a mandatory contract which declares all your assets and liabilities, but having a prenuptial agreement before marriage has multiple benefits apart from securing your personal properties.
It may feel uncomfortable at first, but this is also one way to avoid conflicts amongst families as it also helps secure your family assets and business holdings. In case of a divorce, a Prenuptial Agreement will make sure, if agreed, that you are secured from debts acquired by your spouse. It also assigns financial authority or control for your children, and provisions regarding custody and other rights. In this agreement, both mutually make and arrangement of what you want to do, to protect and how you would like to deal with all significant details in relation to your finances once you enter marriage.
The main purpose of a prenuptial agreement is to put into writing which property is owned by whom, and decide in advance how the assets will be allocated if the marriage is terminated. Though every couple who gets married wishes their relationship will last, it is unfortunate that most marriages do not last. Negotiating a prenuptial agreement before getting married will save you a huge amount of money in legal fees in case of divorce. This would also give both security and less stress when things may not fall into place in the latter. Also note the features of a prenuptial agreement.